Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Our sequence

Bread roll sequence

Bread Roll recreation



festive winter cabin, sat at dinning table


Drama rooms 

Black plain background was favored choice as we don't have dinning room available to film in

Cast list


prospector: Charlie Chaplin         

Georgia: Georgia Hale

Girl #1: ?                         

Girl #2: ?


prospector: Alex Moore

built somewhat like the original actor. part of our group and has been on camera before. Is also familiar with the film. 

Georgia: Ellie hoarse

confident on camera. Is a girl.

Girl #1: Izzy Watts

part of our group and feels confident on camera. Familiar with the film. Is a girl.

Girl #2: Rachel Hannah

confident on camera. Is a girl.



Prospector: top hat, black blazer with rose on lapel, floral tie, over sized jeans, one formal shoe, one rag.

Georgia: sequined dress, party head wear 

Girl #1: relativity plain black dress

Girl #2: -


Prospector: Basic suit

will be filming on school time and the outfit somewhat fits the original film.

Georgia: Basic school-wear

will be filming on school time and Similar to original in the sense its plain and formal.

Girl #1: Basic school-wear

will be filming on school time and Similar to original in the sense its plain and formal.

Girl #2: Basic school-wear




  • bread rolls
  • forks 
  • festive dinning table
  • opened Christmas crackers
  • food
  • candles.
  • Plates and cutlery 
Can easily obtain them and are essential to the context of the scene. 
  • Bread rolls
Essential to the idea of the scene.

Hair and make-up


Prospector: eye liner, black mustache, covered tidy hair

Georgia: standard makeup, short brown hair

Girl #1: -

Girl #2: -


Prospector: eye liner, black mustache, covered tidy hair

Easy to recreate and mustache is good visual representation of the character. 

Georgia: standard makeup, short brown hair 

Being the one without a silly hat is a good indicator she is the more developed romantic lead.

Girl #1: standard makeup, party hats

Party hats are simple and show the setting of the character.

Girl #2: -

Monday, October 7, 2019

Booksmart Research


Booksmart is rated 7.3/10 on IMDb coming from over 40000 people.
The audience Had mixed responses but most of them rated highly and said the film really did make them laugh.There is just under 530 reviews on the website from the audience. Although some people believe its not very good with one saying "its Superbad ( another film its a saying booksmart is a knock off of that).... just bad" which doesn't give a good outlook on the film with 48 out of 50 people agreeing. Some people also say " I don't get it " as the title doesn't really link to outcomes within the film and it is misleading. So many people also say its not funny and shouldn't have such a high rating. The film has also been referred to as tedious.  With the storyline being way too predictable on what is going to happen so it spoils the whole process of watching a film.

"fast, funny and feminist4/5stars4 out of 5 stars.    A dorky schoolgirl duo try out partying when they discover that studying doesn’t pay quite enough" SimranHans

Friday, September 27, 2019

Get off my Land recreation 

This project is we have got to recreate a film called "Get Off My Land" this film is about a young couple out on a walk and they go into a private field that is owned by a farmer. He sees that the couple are in his field and the farmer stops them and askes them to leave. The male askes the farmer where he got his field is from and the farmer tells him that it has been in his family for generations and then the male askes the farmer to fight for the field. Then the farmer goes to his car and grabs the shotgun and shoots the male. The female breaks down and the farmer shoots her as well.


  • Farmer = Dave Carolan 
  • Male = Alex Moore 
  • Female = Leonie Read

  • River Tiffey (field/car park)


  • Range Rover sport 
  • Nerf gun
  • Fence 
  • Fake blood 

  • Jeans
  • Black jacket 
  • Old trainers 
  • Purple coat 
  • White top
  • Jeans
  • Old trainers 
  • Flat cap
  • Extremally dark green coat 
  • Green jumper
  • Boots
  • Cream trousers 





    Wednesday, September 25, 2019


    Match on action is an editing technique for continuity in which one shot cuts to another shot, portraying an action of the subject in the first shot. 

    The 180-degree rule is a cinematography guideline that states that two characters in a scene should maintain the same left/right relationship to one another. 

    Thursday, September 19, 2019

    Monday, September 16, 2019

    Practical Task 1

    Applying Todorov's Narrative Theory 

    This image shows the equilibrium. 

    A maths class doing work at A level, George needed to go to the toilet so he put his hand up to ask for permission to go. We choose this setting as its school environment and wanted to make some humour within school. The clothing represents school A level school lessons. No make up needed as we went for far and medium shots.

    This image shows the Disruption.
    Along comes a staff member to lock the door as its 6th period lesson not realising there is a class in there. 
     A close shot of the door being locked to add different stages of cinamatography.  Then the prop is the important part of the mis-en-scene. The key shows the action of what is going on in the photo.

                                       This image recognition of disruption.       George then tries to leave the room to go to the toilet but can't, as the door has been locked up by the staff.

    This image shows attempts to repair.  George then tries to knock down the door by kicking it as he really needs to go to the toilet now. This doesn't work though. Facial expression of shocked when he realises when the door is locked is a key part of mine-en-scene.

           The attempt to repair that goes well. George climbs out the window so he can leave the classroom to go to the toilet. You can see the classroom is still the setting and he is moved to the window to climb out.

    This image returns back to the normal equilibrium. George then goes to the toilet what a relief that is! The setting is here for humour. The use of the facilities and props add a real effect.

    Saturday, September 14, 2019

    The hunt of the Wilderpeople

    A young boy Ricky Baker goes into a new home. He meets a lovely women Belle and male Hec who take him in to look after him as the police have been having trouble with Ricky. Therefore he is in the country side of New Zealand on a farm with this couple.
    He starts to bond with the Belle but its hard to get across to the Hec as he is very reserved, Ricky baker jokes about running away and tries on the first night but he doesn't get very far. He is taken back t the farm house and he starts to enjoy his time with the couple. Sadly one day the Belle passes away in the garden so Ricky is left with the male.

    They then go on a journey to a place where belle would love to go but at the same time they are being hunted as the police thing Hec is a bad guy and keeping Ricky as hostage but this is the chance for the two to bond in this now so called man hunt! They have problems when they hide in a house in the middle of the woods but these three hunters come back and Ricky and Hec have to fight them and run away so her doesn't get in trouble and Ricky doesn't want to go back into care.
      They then stay hidden for months and months and everyone in the world wants them to do well as they know they aren't bad but the police want Ricky and the Hec.

    At one point they have to kill one of the dogs that's with them as they get attacked by a boar that injured the dog and they have to end the dogs life quickly so it doesn't have to suffer but this is ahold up in the journey yet again.

    Coming to the end Ricky is driving a car with Hec in the car they crash and the police surround them they both have to give themselves up but Ricky then gets taken in to this family he met while they were on the run and Hec is in care. Ricky goes to get Hec and ask if he wanted to live with him as they had now build a bond as they spent so long together and it was something they both wouldn't forget.

    Wednesday, September 11, 2019

    Todorov Narrative theory

    A short video of Todorov narrative theory

                                                         Structure images 

    The Theory is set up in five main sections they then link back so we start with an equilibrium then have a middle section that the holds the recognition of disruption, attempt to repair, the disruption happening. Then the end section was returning back to the equilibrium but we all know it won't be the same as when the film started as they have gone through the middle distruption.








    Hey Welcome to my blog,

                                      One of my favourite films is- Hunt of the Wilder people.

                                               Here is a scene from Hunt of the Wilderpeople,

                                                      Enjoy :)

    Narnia recreation