Monday, October 7, 2019

Booksmart Research


Booksmart is rated 7.3/10 on IMDb coming from over 40000 people.
The audience Had mixed responses but most of them rated highly and said the film really did make them laugh.There is just under 530 reviews on the website from the audience. Although some people believe its not very good with one saying "its Superbad ( another film its a saying booksmart is a knock off of that).... just bad" which doesn't give a good outlook on the film with 48 out of 50 people agreeing. Some people also say " I don't get it " as the title doesn't really link to outcomes within the film and it is misleading. So many people also say its not funny and shouldn't have such a high rating. The film has also been referred to as tedious.  With the storyline being way too predictable on what is going to happen so it spoils the whole process of watching a film.

"fast, funny and feminist4/5stars4 out of 5 stars.    A dorky schoolgirl duo try out partying when they discover that studying doesn’t pay quite enough" SimranHans

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