Thursday, October 1, 2020

(Post 2) Research into existing student made short films


The pill is an A level student peice of work, which follows the life of. British citizen who has to take a pill everyday to wipe the memory. The film opens with the shot out of the window, the camera the slowly moves back creating a medium shot so we can see more of the surrounding as we begin to see within the room. We are soon introduced to the main character with a seamless transition of a pan to the end of the bed then tracks along to see the female character wake up in the morning. We see that she is wearing her pjs this then helps later as we see her change into her red top assuming its ready to go to college. 

This shot uses the natural light coming from these open curtains it also allows us to realise the time of the morning by the type of light we can see. Therefore it helps us experience the morning routine with the character. We then see the morning routine with short snippets of each action this is to show the passing of time and as well as the fact we don't need to experience each part as we understand what happens when you brush your teeth and do make up in the morning. This then makes an easy way for time to pass but in film sense speeds it up so we don't have they unnecessary aspects. 

When the girl goes downstairs and walks into the kitchen we have now got some non diegetic sound as the girl now begins to voice over the narrative of the film, talking about living life on repeat. It makes us as an audience relate as it talks about the daily routine we all endure of getting up, eating, going off to work or school, home, dinner then sleep and do it all again the next day. 

The camera sticks to the girls height we are always seeing above her shoulders, I believe this is so we are going through this scenario with her on the day she decides to not take this "pill" it is a great prop as we see the pill and its simple but effective having her be passed the pill by a male character who we can not see the face of as we are following the girls height even while she sits in this scene. However when she leaves the house we start to see peoples faces but these faces we see are of young females of her age of have decided not to take the pill and who are starting to struggle and sadly looks like they are dying, this creates a rush for her and Time speeds up she moves faster as the fear sets in as she realises what is happening. The great way of the time and movement passing is multiple different locations she finds these girls and multiple different shots in different locations how's she is moving around and isn't all filmed in one spot. The use of the fake blood running down the face coming out of the nose and down the face. This makes us as the audience think are they being killed by someone because they didn't take the pill or is there the side affects of not taking it which leads to death.  Then we do experiences what we thought would happen as the only bit of dialogue came from one girl who was struggling and said to a main character "they are coming for you" we then experience this when she gets home as the door viscously gets knocked on. Great use of the non diegetic sound as we can't see the action but we can hear and experience it. 

The opening 30 seconds of this short film is portraying a mother who doesn't care about her daughter as she is too caught up on the phone and laptop with her glass of wine. The wine could be in place to show the idea of drinking to relax and relive stress as it seems to be what she is doing. This elements then also take away the fact partly this may be why she doesn't want to do anything with her daughter as this will stop her from having her drink. This is a sad realism experienced with children being neglected as parents are too busy of feel like there worth is more then the time spent with there children. This story allows us to experience a Childs perspective while running away from home. Something many children have thought of doing while living away in the woods in a den taking the rucksack with your most valuable. This is what we see in the film and we see the little toys and things that bring her the happiness. 

Tegwen writes a not and sticks on the door for her mother to read.The only way the mother knows something has happened is because she heard the door slam when Tegwan left. when the mother walks towards the door we see an outstanding hidden transition as the mother walks to the camera then camera flips and sees her from behind as she walks down the hallway. When the mother looks at the letter we have non diegetic sound of the little girl talking what she has left on the letter for her mother. For us this may seem a little upsetting as a little girl talking about why she ran away makes us real think does the mother not care. 

Tegwan then is gone and we come and see her walking with her bike and the bike could be a key prop. This shows there is a higher chance she has travelled much further then if sh would have walked and done in a much faster time meaning it could be even harder to find her as she is out of the area much faster than anticipated. It also show to us as audience she really wanted to leave and it couldn't be done quick enough but she finally has happened for her. 

We then have this close up of her face which shows the relief she has as she now feels like she has freedom but you could also read into this show as a possibility that she is now scared and has to take this deep breathe to relax herself and stop the worrying to then push herself to move forward and keep doing what she is.  We then get multiple shots of her running through the forest all from different angles. We see her run into the distance see her run towards us through the thick leaves and through the woods she goes. 

She then runs up to her haven in the forest a little stick den with blankets and cushions with fairy lights wrapped through the den. Conveying the idea of home and comfort and peace of mind for relaxation going forward she begins to get her teddies out so she doesn't feel alone and this is her friend and it gives her someone to experience this whole event could also be for the audience sense if you read into as you are never alone there is always someone you can talk to you just have to be brave enough.  Each item she gets out of her bag she then talks to herself saying what it is and it makes her think if she has everything she wants and just shows each item has had thought put into it.

At the end we are left to wonder if this film was to do with Tegwan play time or if she genuinely wanted to run away as we end with to flash lights in the dark coming towards the character. I this people coming looking for her or is it just her mother getting ready to say time to go or is all this a mystery dream that children have on the daily. 

Mr Frost opens with an establishing shot showing a homeless gentleman sitting in the park in the Morning frost. With the radio non diegetic over top talking about more and more people sleeping ruff each night. we experience multiple little shots of the park of how still and how it feels like time is going nowhere with zero moment and just showing to us the loneliness the homeless may experience as they sit in such a vast area with no one to be seen. It makes the feeling even worse as the camera moves to the news paper to show Santa on is and this story seems to be conveying that this gentleman will be spending Christmas alone with no family.

We then have a man pass round the back of the bench this man sits upon and he looks at Mr frost we are assuming but as this gentleman was on the phone he didn't stop to talk as he was too busy. We can tell its cold with the blanket and hat he wears a great use of costume to show he is homeless and to show the morning is of a freezing state and he just sits enduring it while reading the news paper. This is an aspect of normal life people do this on the daily and just because he sits on the bench on a cold airy morning doesn't mean he'd onset have the time to do so.  We see up close of Mr Frost face where his eyes are bruised and red this could be as he struggles to sleep at night with this freezing weather with the fear of what it may do to him or even some people have been harsh as he is in a public park. 

The story then starts to show a young boy wearing a blue coat, we follow him on the bike with a tracking shot we then jump back to the man on the bench then back to the boy at the park. This is begin to show us possibly a connection is going to be made between these two characters.

We then have two separate shots of seeing the boy smiling and waving at this man the the boy moves closer and we see him wave but we then go to the young boys perspective as the gentleman waves back to the boy. We can see the happiness from the gentleman face when he is getting a wave and a smile off the younger generation and showing the kindness and happiness of these youngsters. Sadly we see a close up of when the boy gets told to go and the gentleman smile disappears as sadness hits of that this experiences was only a really short one. The overlay of the music adds a sense of sadness but also the sense of something may be to come as it feels as if it building up to something. 

We then see the happiness of the boy on Christmas Day of when he gets his gifts but the great thing is him and his mother go back to the park to spend time with this gentleman and give him some biscuits and some hot drink and this really has made this gentleman day and the boy is just as happy to be taking and sitting with this man with his mother than running and playing with his toys. A heartwarming film this is show the kindness of some people and never to jump to the gun too early as people can always come back with kindness. It ends with a wide shot of the mother son and mr frost at the bench as it slowly fades out to a black screen. 


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