Thursday, December 17, 2020

(Post 14) Final sound

 Diegetic Sounds

These include all sounds that come from the objects and characters we see on screen. The source of sound is visible. They include words and dialogues used by different characters, sounds of the door slamming, footsteps.

Non Diegetic sounds

They are sounds from sources outside the screen/story. The source of this sound is invisible. They include musical scores, sound effects, commentary, voice of god, mood music etc.

 Use of Sound effects

Sound effects are necessary to get the plot moving. The mood of the film can be altered by the use of varied pitches and volume. Sound effects also prepare the audience for the next important occurrence in the movie.

Use of Silence

This is an interesting use of sound. A sudden silence heightens audience awareness and expectation. They are used like freeze frames in scenes of shock, impending doom or extreme sadness. The use of silence must be properly used and rarely or the effect will fall flat.

Use of Music

Music has been used in movies almost from the beginning. Music is an excellent method to provide sound effect. Without music a film appears lifeless and static. Music is often used to predict upcoming events. The music is different when used to build up tension 

To be used in the opening

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